Install rtools for mac
Install rtools for mac

install rtools for mac
  1. #Install rtools for mac how to
  2. #Install rtools for mac install
  3. #Install rtools for mac code

That is what the information in the console tells you in the line Installing package into ‘C:/Users/Felipe/Documents/R/win-library/3.2’.

#Install rtools for mac install

# load/install required packages pacman :: p_load(addinslist, arsenal, cgwtools, colourpicker, easystats, esquisse, ggpubr, ggstatsplot, ggThemeAssist, googlesheets4, hablar, Hmisc, janitor, jtools, officer, parameters, rio, Rmisc, rstatix, see, sjmisc, sjPlot, tidyverse) rio :: install_formats() # will install packages required by rio to function # pacman::p_unload(all) # detaches all packages.When you are installing packages, they are being installed in the library for R version 3.2.

#Install rtools for mac code

You can delete it after you run it without errors options( repos = getOption( "repos")) install.packages( c( "devtools", "BiocManager", "pacman", "remotes", "ggstatsplot", "rmarkdown", "credentials"), dependencies = TRUE) # rest omitted # Creating a GitHub Personal Token Key credentials :: set_github_pat() # if you want a dark theme then run the following code remotes :: install_github( "anthonynorth/rscodeio") # install the package rscodeio :: install_theme() # install the theme # remotes installation remotes :: install_github( "easystats/easystats") # installs the whole easystats suite remotes :: install_github( "davidgohel/officedown") devtools :: install_github( 'achetverikov/apastats', subdir= 'apastats') devtools :: install_github( "benmarwick/wordcountaddin", type = "source", dependencies = TRUE) remotes :: install_github( "dcomtois/pathToClip") devtools :: install_github( "nevrome/wellspell.addin") #/nevrome/wellspell.addin devtools :: install_github( "nevrome/LanguageToolR") devtools :: install_github( "fkeck/quickview") LanguageToolR :: lato_quick_setup() easystats :: easystats_update() # updates easystats packages # Other Package Installation if ( ! require( "pacman")) install.packages( "pacman") # if pacman is not installed, the install it. # This script is meant to be run on your first install. # DESCRIPTION: As part of the workshop you will need to install some packages. It checks to see if a package is installed, if not it attempts to install the package from CRAN and/or any other repository in the pacman repository list. p_load This function is a wrapper for library and require. Here is the code I have at the top of my scripts. Install.packages( "package1", dependencies = TRUE) # This will install 'package1' on your computer install.packages( "package2", dependencies = TRUE) # This will install 'package2' on your computer install.packages( "package3", dependencies = TRUE) # This will install 'package3' on your computer install.packages( "package4", dependencies = TRUE) # This will install 'package4' on your computer install.packages( "package5", dependencies = TRUE) # This will install 'package5' on your computer library(package1) # This will load 'package1' in your workspace library(package2) # This will load 'package2' in your workspace library(package3) # This will load 'package3' in your workspace library(package4) # This will load 'package4' in your workspace library(package5) # This will load 'package5' in your workspaceĪn alternative to this would be use the pacman package which I fell in love with when I was learning R. 14.3.3 Lesson 3: Data visualisation with ggplot2.11.4.9 Cluster Analysis (see bottom of the page for more links).10.1.1 Reading Material : Exploratory Data Analysis.7.6.13 Create new columns based on conditions (Advanced).

install rtools for mac install rtools for mac

7.2 Part 1: Loading/installing packages needed.6 Making your first Reproducible Document.5.4.1 Knowing where to post your question.4.5 Journal Articles on Reproducible Science.3.5.5 Alternatives to installing / loading packages.3.5.3 Creating a GitHub Authentication Key.3.5 Installing R+RStudio for the first time.3.4 Already have R and RStudio installed?.

#Install rtools for mac how to

1.10.1 How to make a provocative Conference Poster.1.8 Journal Articles on Reproducible Science.1.4 Quick Introduction to reproducible science.

Install rtools for mac